October 7, 2011

sissy boy Ginger

I asked Miss Scarlet if I could write a blog for her to post and she has agreed to let me post on Diaper Sissy. I’ve been a sissy boy for many years and a sissy baby too. When I first started calling phoneamommies I was just curious about being dominated by a strict Mommy. Now I know it is what every sissy needs. At least it is what disobedient sissies need. Miss Scarlet has been helping me learn to be a good sissy. Sometimes I have to be corrected […]
March 29, 2011

sissy discipline

There is something in the air lately. Maybe it’s something in these ab’s bottles but bad behavior is all around. It’s not just me either. Several of my ab mommy friends and acquaintances (not just phone mommies) have told me that their abs are acting up. So I think petticoat discipline and spankings are needed to correct this behavior. Just the other night I had to lecture a sissy baby and then put him over my knee and paddle his diapered bottom. He cried and cried and begged me to […]
August 29, 2010

How Do You Like To Be Disciplined?

There are many forms of disciplinary tactics one can use on a little bad boy, or little bad girl. But I would like to know what is your favorite way to be disciplined. Do you like spankings? Corner time? Being humiliated? Or have you run across some very unique ways to be disciplined? Or are there ways that you have come up with but are too shy to tell anyone about? I would love to hear the answers to all these. Feel free to call me and share. *smiles* Nanny […]
July 18, 2010

Shopping day!

Thats right its shopping day. It makes my bf cringe when he hears me say this. He knows that it means he has done something worng. I dont always tell him when I get mad or upset. My forms of punishment for him, are always fun for me. When he hears Shopping Day, he knows he must get into his diaper his pink panties and his shorts and t-shirt. Then we are off to find a new items for his sissy closet. I always make him dress in his man […]
January 16, 2010

Tell Me Your Secrets

We all have them. Those delicious secrets we keep hidden away just for ourselves to dive into. We sit around and think about wonderful places, what we would do if we were someone else, how our life would be better if we had more money, and then we have those secrets that we can never speak. You know exactly what I am talking about, every one has them. Perhaps they are embarrassing, or those around you wouldn’t understand if you allowed yourself to mention the secret. I want to know […]
January 3, 2010

Come Closer

Come get a feel of these babies. Talk about a new discipline procedure. I could see this coming in very handy to all you bad little boys and girls. Just when you done throwing that fit thinking your gona come cuddle next to Mommy and get some loving, lying your head on Mommies breast and Ouch! A hard sweet sting! So next time you have been naughty and you see Mommy walking around in her latest Dome gear, watch out cause these babies pack more then milk! Mommy Sara 1 […]
October 11, 2009

Sissy Training

There is more to training a sissy then being harsh and doling out punishments. Although punishing a sissy is great fun, it need to be in balance with praise and affection. Otherwise what is the point? A Domme/Mommy should be strong in demeanor and never giving in. The sissy need guidance and needs to learn rules and proper ettiquette and what is expected of them at all times. Never left to become complacient or comfortable, keep them on their high heeled toes so to speak. I love sissies, I have […]
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