June 5, 2013

Simon Says

Last night at bedtime you were such a naughty little aby. You ran around the house with mommy chasing you to get you into bed, it was time for sleeping but you decided it was time to play a game with mommy. At first I wasn’t upset and played along with you but then you didn’t stop you continued so mommy had to teach you a lesson. You watched as mommy went into her room and appeared again with paddle in hand, you had a sly little grin on your […]
November 22, 2009

Sissy gets spanked…again

What’s that Baby J? You wet your pretty panties again? Why didn’t you tell mommy you had to go potty? Now look at thos pretty panties mommy picked out for you all soaked. What am I going to do with you? Go get  mommy the paddle. If I have to go get the paddle you are really going to get it… Mommy gives spanks Mommy Josie **ask for Mommy Josie’s “turkey special” to get a special rate of 1.79/min now through Nov. 30.
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