October 10, 2009

Girl Lessons

One of the first “girl lessons” that mommy likes to give her sissy is how to shave properly. The assigment I recently gave included cherry blossom shaving gel and a pink razor. I directed my sissy as she soaked in a nice hot bath, smelling of lavender, how to shave her legs. it was her first time and I could hear the excitement in her voice as she got out and dried off. I then instructed her to use lotion and to slip into a pair of pantyhose. There is […]
October 8, 2009

Mommy’s costumed sissy

What a cute little costume. Some sissy would look very sexy as a little Eskimo cutie. I am in love with the velvet skater dress, the hood, the cute white boots, all of it. Just think of all of the compliments you would get if Mommy took you out in this. I’d take you to get your legs all nice and smooth, and to have your hair done just so. Then I would show you off to everyone.   Scarlet
September 24, 2009

crossdressing secrets

A lot of you have dreamed of being caught just like this, or maybe in a diaper too. If I caught you and you started to cover up, the fun would just be starting. I would want to see all of your secret stash of diapers and panties along with everything else you had tucked away. Not all panty wearers are sissies and boys who like to dress in girly things at times are plenty of fun too. Scarlet
March 26, 2009

teaching you stuff

A lot of the times Mommies teach little ones valuable lessons. Other times we tell you stuff that you’ll probably never need to know, but might be fun anyhow. Today is one of the other times. Here are some fun facts. Mommy Scarlet Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes. An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it. In the Caribbean there are oysters that can climb trees. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. The world’s youngest parents were 8 […]
March 18, 2009

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone

Hello Boys, I’m Mommy Gina. I’ll show you what a grown woman looks like down there, and what you can do! I’ll show you what to do! Don’t tell anyone though, it’s our little secret! Let’s go into the other room, and you can call and tell me all about the secret feelings you’ve been having lately. Daddy can’t hear us, you can tell Mommy Soccermom gina 1-888-430-2010
March 12, 2009

stay calm

Life has been a little bit stressful lately. I don’t think it is just me though, I think other people feel that way too. So more and more I am looking for relaxing looking scenery in photos online. Places that I can imagine myself being, and it helps me stay calm. There are lots of places to find magnificent nature images that would take your breath away if you saw them in real life. That’s the sort I enjoy looking at. Scarlet
July 31, 2008

change me?

  We were talking on the forum about decorating diapers. Somehow we all decided to make a party game of truth or dare via Wisk on t-shirts. Paint something on someone’s shirt on the back that they have no idea about. Then when the black light comes on the words are visible and the others take turns either doing what is listed on someone’s shirt or taking a dare. Wouldn’t that be fun? You could write things like, “change me” “spank me” “get spanked by me” etc.. and see where […]
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