October 27, 2013

Sissy Makeover with Lacy

This weekend I got to have a sissy friend come over for a play date. I thought it would be fun to use my favorite makeup sets with my sissy friend. We went up to my room and sissy Erika sat down in front of my vanity and I got busy with all my pretty powders and lip glosses and lipsticks. I made her up really pretty with blush, eye shadow, thick mascara on her lashes, and gooey glittery glossy lips. After I finished with all her makeup I let […]
August 29, 2010

Be my Doll!

I want to dress you, and keep you, and rock you , and feed you, and make you oh so pretty, change you, play with you, love you, snuggle with you and show you off! Please be my little doll, my real live bratz doll baby that I can manipulate and do with as I please! It will be soooo muchhhh funnnn! You know you want to be! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
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