May 13, 2012

Happy phoneamommy day!

I had a very happy phoneamommy day! I spent all day in the nursery breastfeeding and changing diapers and makeing all my sweet abie friends smile and coo with delight. I really enjoyed spending time makeing sure they were all fed and entertained and well cared for. My sweet abie honey Darrin got mommy crissy a beautiful flower just for my bestest mommy he said! Awww Thank you my sweety I said. Mommy got all the love from the cute and sissy abie’s in her nursery. I always love tradeing […]
June 28, 2011

Poopy Pants gets Busted!

Now I hope you learned your lesson little man! Mommy has warned you to always be sure to have on clean underwear. But this time you really did it! Busted by the police in your poopy pants. Now you’re bound and calling Mommy to get you out of trouble once again. Mommy’s has to change you right here in front of the officers and all the neighbors, keeping you in the handcuffs the officers put on you as you kick and scream. Mommy has to keep you in diapers for […]
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