August 14, 2013

Spare the rod?

I can be the sweetest, most nurturing mommy that you ever imagined. But, I can also be a strict mommy when you don’t do as your told. This little darling thought it would be funny to disobey Mommy, but oh how quickly we proved that wrong! You see, my darling thought it would be fun to dress up in Mommy’s clothes while she was gone. Putting on my favorite blouse and skirt, with my sheer panties and matching bra underneath it all. He thought I would never know, but he […]
July 24, 2011

Petticoat Punishment

Not a good girl today? 
The sissy kept her head down, her checks turning crimson with the embarrassment she felt. She timidly walked forward and readily accepted her petticoat punishment; she made haste to call 1 888 430 2010. 
Well, each little girl tends to misbehave from time to time, I have no problems with that, but I do have several solutions. We’ll start with you being bound and at my feet. You can then begin by licking all the mud off my shoes which became soiled after stepping outside […]
June 6, 2010

Behaving Badly!

Naughty little one, in trouble yet again. My ABDL is always into something. Breaking your sisters baby doll, feeding your food I make to the dog, playing with your poop, writing with your crayons on the wall. What is a Mom suppose to do? Guess what time it is? Yup, you guessed it, spanking time! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
November 22, 2009

Sissy gets spanked…again

What’s that Baby J? You wet your pretty panties again? Why didn’t you tell mommy you had to go potty? Now look at thos pretty panties mommy picked out for you all soaked. What am I going to do with you? Go get  mommy the paddle. If I have to go get the paddle you are really going to get it… Mommy gives spanks Mommy Josie **ask for Mommy Josie’s “turkey special” to get a special rate of 1.79/min now through Nov. 30.
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