April 20, 2012

Sissy Decor

I think one of the most important things for a Sissy to do is to feel girly, filling your space with Sissy Decor in one way to accomplish this. I think one must totally immerse them self in a girly lifestyle. I often give this advice to my callers and like all advice you can take it or not. Surrounding one self with feminine patterns, fresh cut flowers, girly magazines, tea sets just to name a few can change a person’s attitude and behavior unconsciously. Ones environment has immense impact […]
January 28, 2011

Sissy Heaven!

OMG! Did I just die and go to Sissy Heaven? I think I did!!!! A full Sissy Make-over is what I am thinking. Oh yes, complete from head to toe transformation. Just look at what we have to play with all frilly and cute and makeup to boot! Bubble bath, shaving cream, face mask, body gel OMG you will smell delightful my pretty little sissy! Oh, when I am done with you my pretty princess you will be turning all those heads *hehehe* Mommy Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
September 19, 2010

Sissy Training II

Come along boyz, we have much to accomplish today! You are all looking very pretty today, I must say you are budding into the prettiest little sissies I’ve ever had the privilege in training. But today we must get some more practice in, our Male guest have arrived and are waiting. So, Chop! Chop! Hurry along little dears, we mustn’t keep them waiting! Art work by The Fabulous Tasha Story by Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
August 29, 2010

Be my Doll!

I want to dress you, and keep you, and rock you , and feed you, and make you oh so pretty, change you, play with you, love you, snuggle with you and show you off! Please be my little doll, my real live bratz doll baby that I can manipulate and do with as I please! It will be soooo muchhhh funnnn! You know you want to be! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
June 13, 2010

Bikini Season

It’s time to prepare for summer Girls! Hair, nails, high heels and picking out the perfect Bikini! What kinda bikini is my sissies slippin into this summer? Is it going be frilly and pretty, or slinky and sexy? Have you waxed or shaved? Make sure that your skin is silky smooth! Heels are a must helping accent the calf, elongating the leg and it also gives the illusion of thinning out the thigh. If you need any help primping, be sure to call me for some assistance! Mizz Rebecca 1 […]
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