November 12, 2010

Ruffles and bows

What is it that is so appealing about rhumba panties? They’re adorable and I love them. They make baby girls feel prettier than they already were and they can make a baby boy feel either humiliated or precious or a good mix of both. Is it the fact that they just scream baby girl when you see them? I’m not sure but they are one of my favorite things to put a sissy baby in and even an abie girl or diaper girl. I wish I could sew well and […]
May 28, 2010

Getting cool

I want one of these sprinklers to play with my abies in. It’s getting warm, and here is a fun way to cool off. Can you picture Mommy rubbing sun block on you and then putting you into your little swimmy diaper so that we can play in the water? I can picture it. It’s warm outside and everyone is getting a little tired of playing blocks and dolls. It’s time to get out there and run under the sprinkler. It’s fun for babies of all ages, even the adult […]
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