December 31, 2009

Happy New year to You

Happy New Year Wish My Happy New Year wish for you Is for your best year yet, A year where life is peaceful, And what you want, you get. A year in which you cherish The past year’s memories, And live your life each new day, Full of bright expectancies. I wish for you a holiday With happiness galore; And when it’s done, I wish you Happy New Year, and many more. By Joanna Fuchs   Happy New Year, Mommy Scarlet
December 24, 2009

spanked over the knee

Hmmm don’t you kind of wonder what this man did to get put over her knee in front of all of those women? Maybe you were too busy thinking “why not me?” to even consider what he did wrong. I like to think that he had an accident in his pants and was just getting spanked before she stuck him back into thick diapers right there in that room. The desk would make a fine changing table, and then all of the women could stand around while she did it. […]
December 17, 2009

Chritmas memories

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is looking over ornaments as I hang them on the tree. Some were mine when I was a child, and some belong to other members of my family. Then there are some I have gotten recently. One of my favorite ornaments was one my Mom gave me that used to hang on her tree. It was a Rocking Horse that looks a lot like this one. It’s nice to see it on my tree now after hanging it at home for […]
November 19, 2009

I’m Totally Nuts About You!

I’ts Janey here and because I am totally nuts about all of you, I have a very special treat through November, in honor of Thanksgiving. You can call your sweet lil’ mommy Janey for $1.79 a minute from the US and Canada! That’s right! I’m not only nuts about you, I am thankful for you and this is how I’m giving back to all my little ones! Can’t wait to talk! Love Janey 1-888-430-2010
November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

Sunny day – Sweepin’ the clouds away, On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street. Come and play, everything’s A-OK Friendly neighbors there that’s where we meet Can you tell me how to get How to get to Sesame Street It’s a magic carpet ride.  Every door will open wide. Happy people like you.  Happy people who. Like a beautiful sunny day sweepin’ the clouds away On my way to where the air is sweet Can you tell […]
February 23, 2009


Mommy Sara is wanting to play with all her babies. Mommy loves to breastfeed her abies and force them to wear diapers! Mommy can help you with that little stiff pee pee, Mommy promises to take special care of her lil ones. But if your naughty watch out because Mommy Sara will gladly take you over her knee! Mommy Sara 1888-430-2010
January 25, 2009

ABDL Friendship

Crazy thing happened the other day, my little abie was at work and a young new employee slipped up and told him that she was into the ab dl lifestyle. He told me that his mouth dropped to the floor *giggles* She was cute as a button he told me and has asked her to meet him for coffee next weekend. I am very excited for him. He has been waiting a very long time to meet another abdl in real life! Good luck to you my abie! I can […]
January 18, 2009

Hide-n-go Seek

Now this looks like my kinda playground! Do you want to play with me? Mommy Sara loves playing hide and go seek and what better place to hide then this castle. Ah, the fun we could have hidden away all by ourselves. Long dark, quiet, hallways and I am sure lots of trap doors and hidden rooms! You think you can hide from Mommy? Ready or Not here I Come!
January 15, 2009

A Sissy Tea party

With the weather all chilly (at least here) I am drinking more hot teas. What fun it would be to have a Sissy Tea party. I was thinking the other day as I sipped my green tea, about having a beautiful sissy to serve it to me, and have some friends over. I have been to events like that before, but not in a long time.  It just might be time to host one.   Mommy Scarlet  
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