March 21, 2010

Teddy Bears

Look at him! Awwww, he’s seriously fuzzy! I want him! Okay I’m done shouting! lol He looks very soft, doesn’t he? I think so at least. I want to hug him tight and just squeeze, kinda like Lenny did with the rabbits. If you do not get that reference then read Of Mice And Men and you will understand it. Do you all have a favorite teddy that you have? I used to have one, but I’m not sure what happened to him, he has gone missing and I’m a […]
January 24, 2010

Best Friend

I think every little one should have a special teddy bear to snuggle up to.  To take everywhere they go.   To keep you company when you are lonely.  Someone to whisper all your secrets to.  To chase away the monsters that lurk under your bed and hide in your closet.  Someone that will always let you go first.  Let you have the last cookie. Someone that will always love you and be your best friend. Can I be your teddy bear? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
February 25, 2009


Do you have your protection? Are you all diapered up and ready for some fun? I love to get diapered up, and snuggle on the couch and watch scary movies just to see how often I can pee my diaper when I get scared. I sit there and hope it doesn’t leak before the movie is over with. Scary movies and stories make me jump and pee my diaper a lot! Do they do that to you as well? Would you like to see whose diaper fills up faster? *giggles* […]
December 17, 2008

Merry Kiss Moose!

Who will you be standing under the mistletoe with this holiday season? And what type of diapers will you be wearing? I hope you catch that special cutie and give them a nice, long, long, sweet kiss! Of course, who’s to say you can’t start a new tradition this year? Get caught under the mistletoe and it’s time to check your diaper to see how wet and messy it is! *giggles* Then we can sit down and watch some holiday movies while we snuggle on the couch… CousinJenna 1 888 […]
September 9, 2008

All Depends…

*Giggles* Yes we’d all like to have that perfect diaper that just soaked and soaked and soaked til infinity, eh? This cartoon made me laugh at that thought. Because if we had that, then we wouldn’t need anyone to change us, ever. And isn’t that part of the fun of wearing diapers? Changing each others, snuggling afterwards, knowing that you are safe and secure? I love to snuggle after a diaper change. What kind do I like to wear? Well it all depends…on you 😉 . CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 16, 2008

Dirty Thoughts?

Yes, I have been having these thoughts lately. Yes, about you, that’s right. I can’t get you out of my head or off my mind. I need to feel that connection, I want to snuggle with you and cuddle you and hold you close. I want to rock you and feed you. I want to hold you close til you fall asleep in my arms… I guess those thoughts aren’t so dirty. They’re just…sweet…what has gotten into me lately? Ohhh that’s right, you have 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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