May 23, 2010

Don't Ever Ask A Centipede

Don't ever ask a centipede to play a game of soccer. Remember, he has 50 pairs of sneakers in his locker. He dribbles 50 soccer balls with 50 pairs of shoes, and kicks them all concurrently. He doesn't often lose. He's such a fierce competitor that, if you ever meet, at first you'll see his hundred legs and then you'll see defeat. *giggles* Isn't that a cute poem? Jenna 1-888-430-2010
February 11, 2009

Soccer Diaper Bag

***MUST HAVE*** !!! If anyone knows where to find this cute soccer diaper bag, please let me know! I want it, I need it! lol! This is just the perfect diaper bag for me, and will fit in nicely when I go to soccer practice or games! Can’t you just see me carrying this around with me as I’m walking into the locker room? Talk about a conversation starter! “Hey Jenna, cool bag!” “Thanks, it holds all my diaper supplies!” What a great way to introduce people to the ab/dl […]
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