December 31, 2008

I see you…

I see you. You’re watching me change my clothes. You are anxiously awaiting that moment when I slip out of my pants and panties and into a nice, soft diaper. I know you ache to be here with me. I know you want to be the one to slip it under my nice round bottom. You drool over the thought of powdering me all over before pulling that diaper up between my legs and snugging it up tight. I know you cannot wait for the day to get your hands […]
October 22, 2008

Diaper Lover’s Dream

I think we’d all love to be in this position, eh? To either be able to say it, or to be the one its said to. Or both! The things I love about wearing diapers: They’re cute. They make any butt look adorable. They’re a security blanket. They save me from having to get up and go potty when I’m involved in something I don’t want interrupted. For the disposables, they’ve got that lovely crinkle to them. For the cloth, ohmy the softness and the diaper pins! (Make mine purple […]
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