August 13, 2011

Teacher Humiliation

While many of my students obey me, there are those few that think they are much more amusing and feel the attention of the class belongs on them. I have taught for many years now, so this behavior I expect and I know at the start of each year just who will be the needy ones, the attention getters, and the class clowns. What they don’t know is that I’m not like the teachers they have had in the past. My strategies in getting them to submit to me quickly […]
June 6, 2010

Behaving Badly!

Naughty little one, in trouble yet again. My ABDL is always into something. Breaking your sisters baby doll, feeding your food I make to the dog, playing with your poop, writing with your crayons on the wall. What is a Mom suppose to do? Guess what time it is? Yup, you guessed it, spanking time! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
March 14, 2010

Not in my classroom

I am a very strict teacher, there is not much I am willing to put up with. You think your the class clown, but I know a better way for you to entertain your peers and it is not with your foolish antics. I’ll make you the class clown alright but by my methods, I’ll spank you so hard that you’ll pee your pants and your peers will be laughing at the pathetic little pansy boy that now stands before them soaking wet, with a face as red as his […]
March 14, 2010

A Good Spanking

I am usually very sweet and kind, with just a touch of stern added in. Nothing too over the top, but there does come a time when sweet words said in a terse manner just does not cut it. That is when I have to do something more strict. Some of you have been spanked by me and you know that I try all other avenues before spanking you, and even then I explain to you exactly why you are getting one. Even though it’s a spanking doesn’t mean it […]
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