June 6, 2010

Behaving Badly!

Naughty little one, in trouble yet again. My ABDL is always into something. Breaking your sisters baby doll, feeding your food I make to the dog, playing with your poop, writing with your crayons on the wall. What is a Mom suppose to do? Guess what time it is? Yup, you guessed it, spanking time! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
March 14, 2010

Not in my classroom

I am a very strict teacher, there is not much I am willing to put up with. You think your the class clown, but I know a better way for you to entertain your peers and it is not with your foolish antics. I’ll make you the class clown alright but by my methods, I’ll spank you so hard that you’ll pee your pants and your peers will be laughing at the pathetic little pansy boy that now stands before them soaking wet, with a face as red as his […]
January 4, 2010

Punishment of the Day

Penelope and Verde are the biggest dimwits of my class. Always pushing the limit with me, thinking they will get away with it. Ha their little pea brains cant pull off any stunt without getting them caught. So to keep up with their dirty deeds, I am needing to up the anti on their punishments. One thing I know they hate the most and thats being humiliated in front of the entire class. Spankings from the Principal just aren’t getting results anymore. I think spankings in front of the whole […]
December 13, 2009

Santa's Helpers

Now you didn’t really think that Santa delivers all those toys every year with no pay back of any kind, Did ya? Well if you did I hate to be the one to burst that bubble, but Santa requires Mommies to be his little helpers. Oh yes, Santa has his desires too and us Mommies know how to please him! We have a great deal of influence when it comes to your Christmas morning. So now what you ask? Well…….. You better watch Out, You better not Pout, You better […]
December 12, 2009

I am so….

I am so disappointed in your behavior over the last few days…you are such a naughty little boy…you will never learn will you…that lying to Nanny is not the way to go…..being truthful and accepting the consequences of your actions is much better than Nanny finding out about what you did after the fact….well you know what I do to naughty little boys don’t you….I am so disappointed in you….especially since I have Santa’s direct line and tell him daily who is on the good and naughty list…you just must […]
December 6, 2009

You Saw Mommy What?

Yes, I know some of the babies were scared to death awakening to such a sight, others became very jealous and had to be given a spanking, NyQuil and sent back to bed, while the sissy boys were dressed up as a little toy doll and made to give Santa a blow job in exchange for their Christmas toys. All awhile Daddy snored up a storm drunk from the laced eggnog Mommy gave him earlier that evening. Want your toys this year youngins? Then I suggest babies stay in their […]
October 11, 2009

So I’m spanking this little brat for getting into trouble AGAIN and between all his crying he manages to get out: “you’re mean, Mommy Lexus!” haha, did you think that was going to hurt my feelings? oh dear. No, sweetheart, I know I’m a bitch, but that’s what you need to relax. Until you learn to behave, I’m not getting any nicer. Call it negative reinforcement. If you want a sweet Mommy, behave. Simple as that. Ask the good abies around here. When you behave, I can be sweet like […]
September 27, 2009

Mommy Lexus has no choice but to put you in diapers!

Mommy is so disappointed in you right now! You wet your pants at the mall and now I have no other choice than to put a diaper on you, after cleaning up your weewee butt of course. Now that you have a diaper on, I’m going to treat you like the aby you are, not the grown up man that you’re pretending to be! That includes you drinking out of a baby ba ba & sucking on a binky. Mommy Lexus can be a very nurturing mommy, all I want […]
September 16, 2009

Free Diapers!

Huggies is giving away one year’s supply of diapers! Every day for an entire year one lucky person will win. All you have to do to enter is sign up. Look for details on the Huggies homepage. Make sure you check the entry rules. If you are a slender adult I recommend Size 7- 35- 65Lbs+ – For toddlers or school aged children should fit most aby’s. Good luck and I hope you win! Mommy Lexus 1 888 430-2010
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