February 4, 2011

Packers vs Steelers

So who will you be rooting for? Which team are you on? I say the Packers should get Packing *giggles* Im not really all that into the games I am more concerned with sitting and wiggling on Daddy’s lap and all the laps of all his friends that will be over tomorrow night! The house will be full of men! My big brother and his friends too! While my little brother hides in his room sniffing my panties and jerking off in his diaper That I will tease him for […]
January 8, 2011

Newby Experiment!

Well a lot of people think of people who love diapers as odd and although I can understand their first impression, I have to say to them “Don’t knock it till ya try it!” Am I right or am I right peoples? Okay, so I finally got the nerve up to tell a close bf of mine that I have known since high school of my fetish and of course his first impression was as you would expect. But fortunately he likes me LOL and also fortunate that he has […]
December 20, 2010

Christmas Dont Be Late!

ABDL Sing~a~Long! Get Ready…..Clear your Throat….. Fix the Diaper Wedgie….. Make sure the roomate has left the building…..Sit in front of the Tree…….Bounce from side to side……K all set? GO! Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time for cheer We’ve been good, but we can’t last Hurry Christmas, hurry fast Want a plane that loops the loop Me, I want a hula hoop We can hardly stand the wait Please Christmas, don’t be late. Okay fellas get ready That was very good, Simon. -Naturally. Very good Theodore. […]
October 18, 2010

Won't you be my Playmate?

Yes, I would like you to be my new playmate. Playmates have so many advantages; they are not only fun but necessary. We have such hard times across our world right now that it is so important to take time and play every chance we get. It is important to play because it is away to escape and release. So won’t you be my playmate? I sure hope that you will! Playmate Mandy 1 888 430 2010
May 23, 2010

My Brothers Manhood

Okay so my brother has a very tiny penis. He tries and stuffs his underwear when my girlfriends come over. But I can be quit cruel and call him out on this. So the other day when my BFF came over (he has the biggest crush on her) I noticed how incredibly large he was looking *giggles* So I decided it was time to play a game. I whispered to him that Ashley was a diaper lover, he got so excited I think he wet himself and that she really […]
April 23, 2010

Fun with Mandy

My baby brother has been peeking in on me while I take my bath, he thinks he’s being sly, but hes such a blockhead *laughs*. Mom is making me watch him again tonight while her and Daddy go out to their dancing lessons. I think I shall have me some fun tonight, my dirty little mind has been wandering lately, thinking of all the naughty little things I could con him into doing to me…..hmmmm. Why keep these naughty little thoughts all to myself *sighs*. He is getting older and […]
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