September 12, 2009

when you wish!!!….

< I REALLY LOVE THIS SONG AND ALOT OF THE ABIES I BABYSIT DO TOO… When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of Their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon […]
April 5, 2009


Well good morning my sweet little boy, how was your nap? Mommy needs her little boy. Mommy has no one to please her. Cum crawl into Mommy’s bed. Here sweetie, take your hand and rub Mommy’s full breast, oh my silk, pink pjs are so soft aren’t they? Can you feel Mommy’s nipples getting hard as you rub Mommy?. Oh, my sweet little angel, that feels so nice Mommy is become very turned on by your little hand on Mommy’s breast. Oh, what is that I see happening in baby’s […]
February 25, 2009


Do you have your protection? Are you all diapered up and ready for some fun? I love to get diapered up, and snuggle on the couch and watch scary movies just to see how often I can pee my diaper when I get scared. I sit there and hope it doesn’t leak before the movie is over with. Scary movies and stories make me jump and pee my diaper a lot! Do they do that to you as well? Would you like to see whose diaper fills up faster? *giggles* […]
December 11, 2008


‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see […]
October 23, 2008

A Nurturing Mommy

A nurturing Mommy can also be a strict Mommy. Even tho I am a strict mommy I love all the Abies out there. Mommies that are strict also cuddle, read stories, play and do fun things as well. Yes I am strict when a baby needs discipline but always with love. So if you need to be nurtured by a Mommy just remember strict mommies can give you what you need as well “smiles” Dommy Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
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