May 2, 2013

Strict, NOT Mean AB Mommy

Sometimes I think the two terms, strict and mean, get confused.  To me, strict is an important thing for little ones – it comes from a place of love, not malice.  It teaches little ones and ABies what is acceptable behavior and what is not; what is safe and what can harm them.  Being a strict AB Mommy says I care and love you enough to want the very best for you – that I care enough to want to make sure that you know how to make the right […]
April 21, 2013

Diaper Humilation

Some of my callers just can’t stop being naughty little abbies when it comes to diaper humiliation phone sex. Just the other day I began diapering one of them. He recently started messing his undies and I was tired of him ruining them. So I walk into the kitchen to get some cookies and milk for him and when I walk back in the living room, wanna know what I find? A crisp clean diaper on the floor but no little boi in it! As a matter of fact he […]
February 28, 2013

Mean AB Mommy Lexus

Mean Mommy Lexus… I just don’t know how I’ve gotten such a reputation.  Now I swear, I don’t want to have to be mean and be the strict disciplinarian, but some ABies just like to test me. When faced with a bratty little one that simply will not behave, there’s only one thing to do and that’s teach that abie a lesson! Over the years I have developed different methods for dealing with Mommy’s little problems but in general I follow the rule that the punishment should fit the crime, […]
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