May 5, 2013

AdultBabi Bikini Season!

I can’t wait to go to the beach! Summer time is my most favoritest time ‘cause Daddy rents a house by the beach and we get to stay there alllll season long!! There’s lots of time to lay out in the warm sunshine, and build nice sand castles in the pretty white sand, and I love jumping in the water and splashing around! Before we go to the beach house, there’s lots of getting ready to do! We have to pack everything up and shop for stuff we might need. […]
June 28, 2010


I so love the summer time, getting outside and doing all those fun things you always enjoyed as a kid and I always take advantage of sunny days to do it all over again, swim, ride bikes, roller skate, play basketball / shoot baskets, run through the sprinkler, jump rope, blow bubbles, make art on the front walkway with sidewalk chalk, play catch, play Frisbee, build a fort in the backyard, chase butterflies or fireflies, run relay races, egg toss, feed the birds or squirrels. play in the sandbox, play […]
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