March 24, 2013

Easter Dress!

Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!! Did ya guess?!? I got my pretty new Easter Dress!! Getting pretty new dresses is always one of my very favorite parts of holidays since I love shopping so much!! And Daddy said that since I was a good girl for most of the time that my special Uncle came to visit, I could pick any dress that I wanted. I picked the prettiest light purple dress ‘cause purples my favoritest color AND it’s a pretty Easter color!! It has a swooshy full skirt […]
January 27, 2013

Furry Kitten!

Guess who got a new furry outfit?!?! Meeeee! Hehehehe it’s been a little while since I got myself a new furry outfit and got to play with other furry friends, so I was soooo excited to get it! Wearing a furry outfit is just so so sooo fun!! And then I get to play and act like whatever it is I’m dressing up as! My new outfit is a cute kitty one! I tried it on for a little bit yesterday just to see how it fit and felt. Oh […]
February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day from Mommy

I hope that each and every one of you has a nice valentines Day. If you’re like me and not a huge Hearts day fan then it’s not that big of a day, but I hope it’s a good one whether you’re all for it or over it. Consider yourselves hugged and kissed from me to you. In other news it’s going to be a good valentines day for one of my sissies. I’ve been working with him and trying to help him get over his fears of being diapered […]
January 12, 2011

so cold

It is so very cold outside little babies. Do you know where Mommy has been hiding out? I've been wrapped up in my blankets in front of the heat. Yesterday I even decided it was time to get diapered. It's a feeling I haven't enjoyed much recently but I put one on yesterday. The ground was covered in a blanket of snow and I was covered in a disposable diaper and a thick warm blanket. I have to say, life was good. Mommy Shirley
December 4, 2010

All the Trimings

Made you think of Christmas, right? Well all my triminings dont come with glitter and lights, mine consist of a diaper bag full of diapers and all the essentials. The wipes, the baby lotion, the baby powder, the plastic panties, creamy desiten, and a cloth diaper just in case with cute pink lamb diaper pins, of course there are the baby items too a pacey, a bottle, a onezie, footies, a play toy and lots and lots of books for My Daddy to read to me so I can fall […]
October 15, 2010

Pajama Party!

Come to the Phoneamommy Slumber part at the PhoneAMommy Chat Room. It starts on Friday at 8pm Eastern and runs until 4am Eastern time. What happens there? Well you can chat with all of the mommies,dl girls, sitters, grannies, and Daddies who may come and see who would be perfect for you to talk with and play with. Any calls made at the Slumber Party during the hours are $1.69 a min. so that’s $0.30 off a min.. Bring your jammies, diapers, stuffed animals, and anything you like and join […]
September 17, 2010

adult diaper changes

  People who aren’t familiar with abdl ask me about adult diaper changes a lot. They ask what it’s like to change an adult’s diaper. I try to explain it and describe it but unless you have done it you don’t quite understand. If you don’t like it, then I suppose you get it even less. I remember the first adult diaper change I gave though. My abie was so nervous that I wasn’t going to like cleaning and changing him. Poor thing was nervous and excited and just not […]
September 8, 2010

Baby Powder

Do you agree with the statement about Baby Powder? I know I do. It’s a wonderful smell that triggers some intense feelings for me and for other Mommies and Babies I know. It also has lots of uses besides powdering a bottom. It helps get sand off of you and it’s good for preventing sweat stains in white clothes. My favorite use is for a diaper change though. When an adult baby looks up and smiles because he smells what Mommy smells it melts my heart. Mommy Shirley
September 3, 2010

2 Mommies 1 Baby

  What do you get with two Mommies? Well two voices in your ear obviously. You get four hands to change your diaper, two mommies to spank you (or one to hold you down while one spanks you). With two mommies you get two loving but strict caretakers tending to you. From Sept.3-10 you can have Mommy Ava and I taking care of you for the price of 1 and a half mommies. Just ask for the 2 for 1.5 special when you call 1-888-430-2010.   Mommy Scarlet
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