August 13, 2011

Teacher Humiliation

While many of my students obey me, there are those few that think they are much more amusing and feel the attention of the class belongs on them. I have taught for many years now, so this behavior I expect and I know at the start of each year just who will be the needy ones, the attention getters, and the class clowns. What they don’t know is that I’m not like the teachers they have had in the past. My strategies in getting them to submit to me quickly […]
May 22, 2011

Bitch Boy Lesson

So I had to call your parents in for a conference. Your mother was unable to attend but your father did. Your father I must say was not only in total agreement with me regarding the lesson I suggested you were in need of. But he also volunteered to assist me. So this afternoon you will be staying after class and your father will be joining us. Your mother has spoiled you into think you are the greatest gift ever and has to be squashed, I think having your father […]
May 1, 2011

Teacher Role Play

So you have to be detained today, oh yes you do. You wish to bring those grades up do you? Straight up I am sure. Well the only way to do so is to serve in my detention for the next week. Mizz Rebecca won’t have this behavior any longer. Cuming late to class, not paying attention to my instructions. You are in dire of need of stricter punishments and lessons that can only be obtained with some one on one personal attention. Attention to me, your undivided attention to […]
April 10, 2010

My interesting pic of the week

Now this might make me want to study geography a little more then I did in school. How about my students? Would this peek your interest, make you want a closer look-see? I would imagine the answer to be an astounding YES. So this was my interesting pic of the week. I do love odd and quirky things and enjoy seeing when the other mommies post them so there ya go – My odd pic of the week. But my favorite video of the week is still the Slow Loris […]
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