February 21, 2013

Taboo Phone Play: Just a Peek

Mommy sees how curious you are getting about your changing body…about girls and how they are different from boys.  I’ve seen you trying to sneak a peek down my blouse or under my dress when I bend over…honestly it gives me a little tickle, hehe.  So when I catch you trying to sneak a peek at me, I confront you; instead of getting angry, I ask you if you would like to take a peek and see how mommies are different from little boys (after all, if it isn’t up […]
July 8, 2011

Show and Tell

Nanny loves taking care of Adult Babies. Once in awhile I am called in to watch over older boys and girls who are getting to that age where they ask a lot of questions. Curiosity is encouraged and rewarded on my watch. When little ones have questions, I think they should be answered and the best way to learn is by having fun. I have so much fun when my boys start getting curious about the excited feelings they are getting. A game of show and tell can answer all […]
April 9, 2011

Thunderstorm Delight!

~ That was some storm we had last night! All that thunder and lightning – it seemed to go on forever. You were so scared, but Mommy Gina new just what to do. I came into your room, and crawled under the covers with you. You snuggled up close to me, as I held you tight. But something surprising happened. At first you were embarrassed about how your little man peepee became all swollen and stiff, but I assured you that it was perfectly normal, and told you that I […]
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