March 13, 2011

Tease & Denial

No! you may not stroke that Cock! You want to I know, but you haven’t been given permission yet now have you? Oh, there is a pounding in your head, a longing to reach that hand down inside that diaper, just aching to give it a quick jerk! *slap slap* You must refrain little man, you must only touch it upon my instruction. Tehehehe. Is it throbbing Hahaha! And it will continue to throb until you call and then maybe just maybe ….I’ll let you give it a little squeeze. […]
May 9, 2010


I love to giggle on the phone.  Nuffin better then hearing you beg for me to stop *giggle* .  You know I won’t though.  Awww don’t be too sad *boo hoo*, you know me, you know it’s just to tease you and make you do the things you don’t want to.   Even if I know that deep down inside you love it just as much as I do. *winks* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
November 20, 2008

how it goes when an abie is in trouble with Mommy

   Some of you may know that I give my abie a set amount of time for games and computers. It’s something we agreed upon when we decided to take this path. There are exceptions, and he gets good boy treats of extra time. The other day though I was worn out, it had just been one of those days. He picked the time I needed his help to play a game. I know he knew it was wrong because he gave me the mischievous smile he gives me when […]
June 26, 2008

The special lollipop

     My abie has been an all right boy, a little trouble this weekend that just passed but over all good. So I took him to get a new stuffed animal and some candy. Candy is extremely limited in mommy’s house. So once we got home he wanted to share his lollipop with mommy. I thought how sweet, and then I found a way to tease my poor abie in his chastity device. Long slow licks while looking into his eyes. His eyes widened and I could tell he was […]
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