February 14, 2013

Sitter Jenna

  Listen up adult babies; today Babysitter Jenna is in charge. Your mommy and daddy went off somewhere for the whooooole night. That means from now to when you go to bed, to the time you get up in the morning I am the boss and everything I say goes!! I always have mommies and daddies asking me to be a sitter for their adult babies, that’s because they know that when I’m the sitter, you dumb ABies are gonna get away with anything! What your mommies and daddies don’t […]
April 25, 2010

Sweet as Sweet Can Be

I think this is soooooooooooooo cute, and precious!  I want it sooooooooo badly. *giggle*  I can just see you standing there wearing it, thinking I’m not home yet, and I catch you! HAHAHA! This reminds me of Vegas, Vegas Show Girl Sissy.  I can see you having to prance around in front of me and my friends in this, ears and all. *giggle* Jenna 1-888-430-2010
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