March 21, 2010

Teddy Bears

Look at him! Awwww, he’s seriously fuzzy! I want him! Okay I’m done shouting! lol He looks very soft, doesn’t he? I think so at least. I want to hug him tight and just squeeze, kinda like Lenny did with the rabbits. If you do not get that reference then read Of Mice And Men and you will understand it. Do you all have a favorite teddy that you have? I used to have one, but I’m not sure what happened to him, he has gone missing and I’m a […]
January 28, 2009

New plastic panties!

I would love to have a pair of these plastic panties! A good friend of mine shared these with me, and I just cannot get over how cute they are! Love the silver and black with the teddy bears, they are just too adorable! I must remember when I speak to my dl again to ask where he found them. Not to mention, I want to know if he has a pair of his own he will show me. *giggles* CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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