April 7, 2010

Rainbow Roses

These remind me of our dispatcher Jani. She loves flowers and when I saw these I immediately thought of her. They are so pretty, a person in Holland creates them, it’s not the work of photoshop, he injects safe dyes into the stems of the roses as they grow giving us these beautiful vibrant rainbow roses. I wish I could send her some but they are a tad bit expensive lol. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 26, 2010

3 Minute Brownies

I made these and I have to say..YUUUUUUMMMMY! Nothing says yum like a brownie….actually I guess if brownies could say anything at all it would be more along the lines of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH as you bite into them. Thank Goodness they actually don’t do that! And even if they did I would still stuff them into my mouth with ever maddening glee! Who would of thought eating a brownie could be come such a deviant act. Me of course! Enjoy *shoves the last pleading and screaming bit of chocolate goodness into […]
March 14, 2010

Hot Dog

Okay this picture made me at first go awwww, then I got really hungry. Lookie at the doggie on a bun! I wonder if it would be the same if there were a kitty on a taco. Anyway, it’s so flippin cute. Normally I do not like these types of dogs, they annoy me, yeah that’s right a whole breed of dog that annoys me from just looking the way they look. But how could you not like this sweet little thing? Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 7, 2010

Taking Care Of You

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m the evil babysitter. It’s what I am and what I do, BUT I do have a soft side….on occasion. I mean not all of you are bad are you? I didn’t think so, but who knows maybe you are. Which is fine by me, but I have to say, it’s nice to get a call from a good boy or girl once in awhile, so I don’t have to be so strict and discipline all the time. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
February 28, 2010

The Moon And The Sky

One of my favorite music artists ever is Sade. Not only do I think she is absolutely beautiful but her voice is simply angelic. She has a new CD out, and I am in love with it. My favorite song off the new CD is The Moon and The Sky, I have been looping it all day today so far, and I have been up now for about, oh over an hour or so. It’s relaxing and just beautiful music all around. If you are looking for something to just […]
February 21, 2010

How are you today? How are those diapers doing? Wet? Does baby need a change? I can see you sitting there, diaper bulky, wet between your legs, you just playing away, unaware of how wet you really are. You smile at me from across the room, and I smile back. Come to me little one and let’s take care of that diapie! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
February 13, 2010

Baby Love

Now I’m not one for Valentine’s Day, not at all. But, I found these and thought they were cute. Especially the goo one. Mainly because it can be taken one of two ways. If you don’t get the innuendo with that one, it’s okay, just move along, I’ll explain it to you better some day. Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful valentine’s day, and if you do not have anyone to share it with, then remember to love yourself, because if you can’t love yourself, you will be never […]
November 8, 2009

Cute and Bad

How can you be cute and bad you ask? Just talk to any of the little one’s that call me, they are all cute and bad lol. They try and they try to use it to their advantage, but it never works. I can be very strict, but I can also be very loving as well. See the way they act dictates on how I respond, if they are all full of love, then they get affection back, if they are naughty then the only thing they get back is […]
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