November 26, 2010

Hey Little Willy!

Do you wonder if you are too small? These questions below might help you in knowing for sure. Was your mother unsure you were a boy all those years growing up? Did the daycare ladies all laugh as they changed your diaper? Did all the boys in the locker room replace your gym shorts with skirts? Have girls gone running away screaming once they saw your little dick? Does your girlfriend perfer her vibrator? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I am afraid young man, […]
January 29, 2009

Bad Baby

Did Mommy’s bad baby upset TinkerBell? You must have upset her. Look at her she is mad about something. Did Mommy’s bad baby get into Mommy’s pantie drawer again? It is time for bad baby to get spankings from Mommy. Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
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