July 17, 2011

small dinkie dick wannabe

I Little winky boy, would you like a lick? You know I would never let you put that teensy thing near my pink parts. I might let you lick it though. Especially after I get it filled up with creamy cums that you couldnever make. I know you can make cum silly boy, but I also know you can’t make the same amount that my sexy man does. So instead you can lick it up and dream. That’s what teensy lil sissybitch did. If you don’t measure up then that’s […]
June 27, 2011

Dickless Wonder

Good God, Put the Telescope away, It’s Unnecessary! Sorry Babe that just won’t do. Its Hard? No Fucking Way! OMG you’re kidding right? Did you seriously think your insignificant pindick would satisfy me? A gerbil maybe. But don’t get me wrong you may not be a complete waste of space, perhaps my personal slave if you deem yourself worthy. We’ll see how you do. Once the chore list is complete, run my bath water and dress in the clothes I left on my bed, don’t forget the collar. I have […]
November 26, 2010

Hey Little Willy!

Do you wonder if you are too small? These questions below might help you in knowing for sure. Was your mother unsure you were a boy all those years growing up? Did the daycare ladies all laugh as they changed your diaper? Did all the boys in the locker room replace your gym shorts with skirts? Have girls gone running away screaming once they saw your little dick? Does your girlfriend perfer her vibrator? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I am afraid young man, […]
June 25, 2010

I've got the only Key!

Sung to the tune of Brand New Key by Melanie Safka, if your unfamiliar with the tune click the link above. I invited my new Master over last night He fucked me right on through till the break of daylight It often seems like you’re jealous of him but what’s a girl to do, when your dick is oh so limp, well You’ve got a brand new shiny chastity, I have the only key I think that we should get together and try them out you see I been lookin’ […]
May 23, 2010

My Brothers Manhood

Okay so my brother has a very tiny penis. He tries and stuffs his underwear when my girlfriends come over. But I can be quit cruel and call him out on this. So the other day when my BFF came over (he has the biggest crush on her) I noticed how incredibly large he was looking *giggles* So I decided it was time to play a game. I whispered to him that Ashley was a diaper lover, he got so excited I think he wet himself and that she really […]
September 12, 2009

How Big Is It?

Afraid you won’t measure up? Well, I like them in all sizes. If they a tiny winy wiener I will tease it and poke at it. If its petite I might dress it up. If it is fat and short piece of meat, my gf might like gnawing on it. If its long and thin, I might use it to clean my drains. If its big and thick then I might use it to pleasure myself. Sara 1 888 938 7382
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