March 6, 2011

Diaper Song

Do your diapers hang low? Do you wobble to and fro? Do they crinkle when they’re wet? Do leak when they’re soaked? Do they sag between your knees? Do you like it when you’re teased? Do your diapers hang low? Do you like it when they’re dry? Does it make you kinda shy? Do you lie there on the ground? Do you make Baby sounds? Does your diaper smell strange? Do you need a diaper change? Does it make you have to giggle? Do your little legs wiggle? Do your […]
June 5, 2010

Doing Cute

I normally don’t do the cute thing. It’s not me. NOT…AT…ALL! But I found some pictures online and just had to say AWWWWWWW lol. Almost made myself ill doing so too. Wanna see them? Why of course you do, so here they are: Okay I only put three, my favorite is the last picture because they are cupcakes. I love me some cuppycakes! MMMMMMMMMMM! I think I am going to go and make some! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
October 22, 2008

Diaper Lover’s Dream

I think we’d all love to be in this position, eh? To either be able to say it, or to be the one its said to. Or both! The things I love about wearing diapers: They’re cute. They make any butt look adorable. They’re a security blanket. They save me from having to get up and go potty when I’m involved in something I don’t want interrupted. For the disposables, they’ve got that lovely crinkle to them. For the cloth, ohmy the softness and the diaper pins! (Make mine purple […]
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