June 3, 2013

Shopping for a sissy baby is hard work

    Shopping for sissy baby with Mistress Mommy  Veronika  what a day we had! My name is sissy Angelica and my Mommy veronika is one of the very best at picking out  really pretty pink dress’s for me I get so excited when she calls to pick me up I wet and mess in my adult baby diapers  before she even gets there.  Mistress Veronika get’s very disappointed when she  come’s and knocks on my door and she has to change  my diaper before we even get to go for […]
March 1, 2013

Bedwetter Bobby

Bedwetter Bobby really likes his hot mommy. He makes sure he drinks a lot of water before he goes night night, so he will wake up really soaked. Mommy scolds him for always having to wash his bedding, she changes his diaper & powders his bottom then she get’s his breakfast ready. Bedwetter Bobby goes in the bathroom to take his shower & gets so fascinated when he puts his hand down his diaper. naughty abie Bobby playing with his peepee thinking about seeing ample cleavage of his sexy mommy […]
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