Fall is Here!
November 14, 2009
What Am I?
November 15, 2009
Fall is Here!
November 14, 2009
What Am I?
November 15, 2009


While all us Mommies add more to our wish list and all you babies write your list for Santa, let us not forget those who may not be as fortunate as us this Holiday Season. Every Year your Mommy Rebecca partakes in helping the Salvation Army prepare meals for Thanks Giving and buys gifts for the local Fire Department Toy Drive. So here is a great site I wanted to share with you in helping you find the right charity organization.
Just visit this site and see if there is a place you might be interested in helping. http://www.charitynavigator.org/

Tis the Season……To be Giving!

& Don’t forget to email me your list of all your wants you need Mommy to fulfill!

Mommy Rebecca

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