February 11, 2013
Sitter Jenna
February 14, 2013
February 11, 2013
Sitter Jenna
February 14, 2013

Today is a day to let that special someone (or someones) in your life know what they mean to you.  And I am no exception!  I love being a mommy and taking care of all my special little ones, and I wanted to let all of you know how near and dear I hold every single one of you in my heart. You bring this mommy so much joy and happiness, giggles and laughs, as well as challenges and dilemmas.  And through it all I wouldn’t trade one single minute (no matter how naughty some of you can be hehehe).

So here’s to wishing all you little ones – Sissies, Diaper Lovers, and Abies alike, a wonderful and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Mommy Gina


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