Need To Get Back To Happy
June 23, 2010
I've got the only Key!
June 25, 2010
Need To Get Back To Happy
June 23, 2010
I've got the only Key!
June 25, 2010

All the things you used to do
Cooking dinner on Sunday
Making homemade stew
Sitting for hours
Telling us tales
Of how poor Jonah
Was swallowed by the whale
Working in your garden
Pulling all the weeds
Wiping sweat from your brow
And gently planting seeds
You are a special Grandma
One that we adore
You taught us right from wrong
And so very much more.

Grandma I remember
When you would sing a song
You would encourage
Us all to sing along
And you would sit and rock
And read the Bible
While we would play
I can still see it
As you held it in your hands
Well worn from all your reading
And learning of God’s plans
Grandma, I remember
Don’t worry about me
You taught us all so well
Years ago upon your knee.

Mommy Lizabeth

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