Expressionism not just for Art any more!
June 11, 2011
Mommy’s breastfed boy
June 16, 2011
Expressionism not just for Art any more!
June 11, 2011
Mommy’s breastfed boy
June 16, 2011

Most people don’t really understand the benefits phone sex provides. For me personally and I would say many other women would agree, it is a way for women to learn and explore their sexual side. For far too long women have been denied and inhibited by society when it comes to our sexual desires.

Also, most of us don’t always have a sex partner when we want and need one. Even if we do, we might be afraid to share and explore our deepest desires. Phone play is an awesome place to be able to explore and share rather then being alone not only with our thoughts but our toys.

And let us all face the obvious, no need to worry about STD’s! Not to mention orgasms are great stress relievers!

Most don’t realize that just like any other trade there is an art to phonesex, an art of fantasy, imagination and creativity. One of the biggest misconceptions is that we just get on the phone and moan and scream, that it is a mindless, easy and low energy job. But as any art, it can be perfected and here at phone a mommy sure we can moan and scream if that is all you wish but we are articulate and intelligent women and our craft is about creating the ultimate pleasure ride for you to engage in and enjoy.

So cum take a journey with us and delve into a wild array of sexual fetish fantasy.

But remember, it is your fantasy we seek to fulfill and we are only as good as the information you provide us with. So to get the most out of your call with us be prepared, really dig deep when thinking of what really turns you on share this with us and don’t expect us to always lead the way for where we might lead ~ you may not wish to follow ~ so commination is key!

So what do ya say, wanna play?


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